Friday, January 29, 2010

Incursion in the Past

This week we have completed several big projects: finished and printed some albums, created several postcards, mailed pictures, and we had to go on. We digitized old photos, updated our genealogy tree, and rediscovered my adolescence journals. I have seven journals, filled with poems and other rambles. Some are cheesy, some have amazing insights, and there are over 100 of them. The funny thing is that I started writing poems way before I met Brian Morgan. Some poems are birthday or wedding wishes that I read out loud with audience... how daring I was back then.
Most of them I forgot I wrote... but my mom didn't. I wrote many poems for my mom and my dad for their birthdays or anniversaries. And they are pretty sweet:)

Dragului meu Gradinar
23 August 2002

Acum 18 ani m-ai sadit pe mine
-o violeta
m-ai sadit in gradina ta
aproape de fereastra camerei tale
ca sa-mi veghezi cresterea.
Nu stiu prea bine cum ai vazut tu lumea prin ochii mei,
dar sa-ti spun cum am inteles-o:
M-ai asezat intr-un pamant fertil
de unde am putut sa-mi iau seva hranitoare
si n-a fost nevoie de ingrasamant artificial!
nu m-ai ingradit
si-am crescut cat am putut de mult
(de asta-s asa inalta)
am putut sa simt vantul si ploaia
mangaindu-mi petalele si frunzele
M-ai lasat sa privesc soarele
si sa-i zambesc
ca sa-mi pot colora obrajii violeti,
dar mai presus de toate
L-ai last pe Gradinarul Suprem
sa ma ingrijeasca!
Pentru asta iti multumesc!

La multi ani mami!
Cu multa dragoste,

Tatalui meu gradinar
24 August 2002

Acum 18 ani
ai ajutat un gradinar sa planteze o violeta
Eu am fost floarea
tu si mama - cei doi gradinari
Multumesc ca ati hotarat impreuna
unde sa ma asezati
cu ce sa ma hraniti
(...cateodata exagerat - nu mi-e foame asa des!)
Iar tu,
ca un gradinar puternic
ai stiut unde sa-mi tii umbrela
pe timp de gradina
ca sa ma feresti de strivire
Iar cand eram dogorita de soare
tu si mama
ati stiut sa ma priviti cu incredere
m-ati incurajat si m-ati iubit!
Tie iti multmesc ca esti tatal meu
dar pentru ca mi-ai indreptat atentia
asupra Tatalui meu - Creatorul
Iti multumesc de doua ori!

La multi ani tata!

The reason I loved to go back and read what was on my mind when I was a teenager, is that I see God in every corner of my mind. I have cheesy love poems... I was infatuated with a friend my age from church, and we rarely talked, but we smiled a lot at each other and he gave me flowers for special occasions. The infatuation disappeared but those memories from adolescence still make me smile. I was so eager to learn about God, to be free and nourish long lasting friendships... and be happy.

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